Saturday, July 25, 2009

Where pony rides are next to godliness: Davis Farmland, Spencer, MA


This was one of our first posts (see cool retro photo above from back in '09), and it needed some help.  Luckily  Davis' Farmland is an annual spring rite in the Lewis Levin home.  Now, you know we love us some animals, but since moving to Boston this place whas been a constant fav.  Sydney is particularly fond of the above pony rides.  This year, Liji got into the act.

There are few agricultural wonders to miss here at Davis.  Of course, today was part of "Heroes' Weekend" with police cruisers and two enormous fire ladder trucks.  Just one of the many Sundays in the life of Moo Moo the Cow's weekend events.  Sydney's favorite in the series was the Birds of Prey show; he still talks about the Great Horned Owl.  Personally, I am a fan of the cows.   Today featured the bottle feeding of a month old Scottish Highland calf.  I was in heaven.  The boys were busy chasing goat kids on the open range after hitting the kitty and bunny petting areas.

Believe it or not we still haven't even touched the Splash Park.  Nor have we ventured out there for a Sleepover.  We haven't even headed out there to pick apples.  We did get more cows in on the hayride though, much to my bovine lovin' delight.  Of the many endangered and mundane farm animals they keep at this 160 year old farm, my fav is the brahma bull.  Where else in quaint dairyland New England can you hang with a cow with a hump?


Anonymous said...

Modo's actually a brahma cow. Her mate, Quasi, the brahma bull, died a few years back. Did you know they're sacred in India? People aren't allowed to touch them.