Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Modern Art with Kids? Why not: The Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA

Sydney and "Pingu" are buffedled, but amused by this crazy instillation of "broken chairs." He is even fascinated enough to talk to his kid bro about it, creating another artist in the making.

The Museum of Fine Arts
465 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA

Mom and I have a history of hitting the MFA for her birthdays, so when I proposed bringing the boys, like many folks she questioned, "art with the kids?" Which is exactly what was asked by my father about the Metropolitan Museum of Art in NYC last weekend. They had a blast. My advice to you weekend warrior dads is, "just do it!"

We warmed up their inner-artist with a reading of When Pigasso Met Mootise. Then, we had to promise them mummies, which under the new construction we never really found. But, man, were they impressed with the recent instillation in which 20-odd tv screens are singing heads of Madonna favorites. Sydney has now been to at least five of the major art museums in the states and he always finds something to rave about. So, when it hits ten degrees next weekend and you just can't stand in line at the Children's museum one more time this winter, take a gamble and head over to the MFA.