Friday, August 15, 2014

A Slice of the Woods' Past, Adirondack Museum, Blue Mountain Lake, NY

We have not been lucky the last two summers up at Big Moose lake with the weather.  It always amazes me that whether it's Maine, the Northern Kingdom of Vermont or upstate New York, it can be 50 degrees here and 80 at home.  

We are always searching for rainy day activities that don't include things we could do back home; movies, snacking, mini-golf. Dad had the brilliant idea of the Adirondack Museum. 

The boys were captivated with the history of this adventureland. We spent ages on the antique train that used to be a Brooklyn Rapid Transit car before becoming a mile long shuttle between two lakes. 

But besides the 12:30 feeding of the trout, the highlight was the American Mountain Man Encampment.  Mountain Man Bill and his reenactor friends showed us how to skin a fox, to shoot a rifle and throw a tomahawk.   It was another great entree for the boys into our wilderness past and the history of this amazingly scenic place.