Monday, July 21, 2014

Guangzhou Bubba Gump ; Tai Wen shrimp Farm, Guangzhou, PRC

My boys love to fish.  It is not that I don't like fishing, it just happens to play into all of my weaknesses (i.e patience and all of it's related friend categories). My boys on the other hand could sit with Uncle Lon or Grandpa Barry for hours (as they did today). 

Lon is a masterful fisherman.  The entire time we lived on Lake Cochituate we caught a total of five or six.  One day we left Lon home with the canoe.  He filled the boat and we ate wonderful Thai fish a thousand ways.  Yet in Guangzhou his newborn has kept him from exploring fishing ops. The boys love to fish with him, so today was a perfect chance for him to explore his new hometown. 

How he found this place I will never know. Something about looking for a fishing hole, a cabbie and a neighborhood that looks like a scene from "Brokedown Palace." He makes friends with fisherman everywhere he goes.  Somehow, just a ten minute walk from the Huadiwan subway station he found this shrimp farm.  

Shrimp fishing is not as easy as it sounds, even though they were in a pool (yes, shooting fish in a barrel). The boys caught a bunch of big ones right out of the gate. I of course lost at least six trying  to pull them up before they had the hook on their shrimpy little mouths. 

We caught fifteen or so, they threw in another pound for dinner (they would  have cooked them there but Lon is also a trained chef). So we headed home to their place for some Thai chili shrimp. What a great last night in Guangzhou!